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Gift Card

Gift Card


Looking to buy for a loved one, but aren't sure what to choose?
Here is our Gift Card option! We have gift cards from $25 to $200 to choose from. After purchasing a gift card, you will receive an email within 24 hours with your gift card code. If you want the gift card to be sent to a different email than yours, please make a note of that at checkout.
If your email has not been received within 24 hours, PLEASE email us to let us know!

  • Due to the type of handmade keepsakes we create, we do not offer returns or refunds. Please ensure you have the correct ring size when you order. 

    We do not offer refunds for Gift Cards. If a problem has occured, please contact Deep-Rooted Love.

  • Breast milk comes in all different colours, and is unique to the person who produces it. Your breast milk keepsake may vary in colour because of this. This is part of what makes your keepsake one-of-a-kind! All of our jewelry is handcrafted, and also may slightly differ from piece to piece. 

    Deep-Rooted Love is not responsible for any damage or loss occurring to your keepsake as a result of improper care and maintenance.

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